Copper Pyramid


We are delighted to announce that we are now collaborating with another small business to offer you beautiful handmade copper pyramids.
These beautiful copper pyramids have been lovingly handmade by Reiki Master and Energy Healer Claire Bodilly from Energy Healing by Claire.
So whether you are looking to amplify energy, whether for your crystals, affirmation/angel cards, crystal grid, or simply for your food and water, these are essential for your spiritual toolbox.
See larger description below on how to use them.
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We are delighted to announce that we are now collaborating with another small business to offer you beautiful handmade copper pyramids.
These beautiful copper pyramids have been lovingly handmade by Reiki Master and Energy Healer Claire Bodilly from Energy Healing by Claire.
Copper is an essential nutrient for the body and has been used for thousands of years as a healing mineral. It is a natural conductor of energy and has been known to enhance spiritual abilities and amplify thoughts and energy.
These pyramids have been designed using the exact dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The square base is the stable foundation and the four sides represent the four elements and the four directions. The triangular parts that meet at a point represent the mind, body and spirit.
They can be used in a number of ways such as placing them over:
Food or water to eliminate harmful toxins
Crystals, altar or affirmation/angel cards to charge, re-energise and amplify
Your head for healing, decrease stress, increasing energy and endurance, activating cells and circulation, rebalancing and meditation
A plant or small animal to encourage recovery or growth
Essential oil blends or energy sprays to infuse, charge and amply the properties
Intentions list to amply and help them manifest
A photograph of somebody you wish to send distance healing to
A phone or iPad to negate the EMF (electromagnetic frequencies)
The magical list is endless!
We personally love to charge our handmade crystal bracelets underneath them together with our handmade energy sprays and our ethically sourced crystals. Plus we have noticed how much softer our water tastes after it has been under the pyramid and how much better we sleep with our mobile phones placed beneath them.
So whether you are looking to amplify energy, whether for your crystals, affirmation/angel cards, crystal grid, or simply for your food and water, these are essential for your spiritual toolbox.
There are 2 sizes available to choose from.

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