Jasper (Red)


Red Jasper has a high iron content which is what makes its reddish, brown colour.

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Red Jasper has a high iron content which is what makes its reddish, brown colour.
Red Jasper is very stimulating and carries a strong spiritual, grounding vibration, and resonates within the lower three chakras. It creates a strong connection to the earth. It is known as one of the best root chakra stones.
It is a stone of physical strength and energy. It stimulates gently and steadily, enhancing stamina and endurance, and increasing the amount of chi, or life force, in one’s aura. It is a stone of health and passion, and brings the courage to face unpleasant tasks and to rectify unjust situations.
Detoxifies and strengthens the circulatory system, blood and liver.

Each stone is unique so the colour and size may differ slightly from the image shown.

Sold individually.


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