Organic White Sage and Yerba Santa (Limited Edition)


This is a limited edition White Sage smudge stick wrapped in Yerba Santa leaves.
Sage is a purifying herb and is often used to cleanse negative energy, restore balance, give protection and increase spiritual purification. It has been used for centuries by Native Americans in rituals of cleansing and healing.
Approximately 4inches (10cm).

1 in stock



This is a limited edition White Sage smudge stick wrapped in Yerba Santa leaves.

White Sage is a traditional medicinal plant of the Native Americans, traditionally used for healing and ceremonies. White Sage is a purifying herb and is often used to cleanse negative energy, restore balance, give protection and increase spiritual purification.
Yerba Santa is a Native American sage from California and it can be used for cleansing much like White Sage.
It is said that Yerba Santa dispels negative energies but with added qualities of protection and purification.
Yerba Santa has an uplifting scent and is known to help with grief and broken hearts.
When lit, Sage produces a fragrant smoke that fills and purifies the environment. This smoke is used in a ritual called smudging. Smudging is a way to energetically cleanse a space, a person’s aura or simply to invite positive energy.
Light the smudge stick directly at one end or break off fragments to burn in a container. Extinguish carefully afterwards.
Our sage is organic and environmentally harvested.
Size approximately 4inches (10cm)


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