

Selenite is a beautiful calming stone. One that instils deep peace and provides clarity of the mind, making it excellent for meditation or spiritual work.

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Selenite is a beautiful calming stone. One that instils deep peace and provides clarity of the mind, making it excellent for meditation or spiritual work.
This stone opens the crown and higher crown chakras and can wash away impurities within the mind, including negative thoughts, negative memories  and mental blockages. Selenite provides a pure white light when we are facing any of life’s darkness.
Known to help access angelic consciousness and higher guidance and can be used to access past lives as well as future lives.
It assists judgement and insight, clears confusion, aids in seeing the deeper picture and expands ones awareness of the self and of ones surroundings.

Each stone is unique so the colour and size may differ slightly from the image shown.

Sold individually.

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choose from

Small Fluorite, Medium Fluorite


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