Green Calcite Chunks


Green Calcite is a very powerful stone that resonates with the heart chakra and radiates calming and soothing energies.
It strengthens one’s connection with the heart, helps to heal the heart of any past traumas and provides insight as to where we need to focus our emotions.
A great stone to help focus your emotions, inspire motivation and productivity, strengthen your connection with nature and transform non-serving energy into positive energy.

4 in stock



Green Calcite is a very powerful stone that resonates with the heart chakra and radiates calming and soothing energies.
It strengthens one’s connection with the heart, helps to heal the heart of any past traumas and provides insight as to where we need to focus our emotions.
A great stone to help focus your emotions, inspire motivation and productivity, strengthen your connection with nature and transform non-serving energy into positive energy.
Green Calcite is deeply rejuvenating and helps to balance the mind, body and soul.
It can fill you with vitality and enthusiasm, giving you a renewed sense of purpose and helping you on your journey of self-discovery.
As well as acting as a purifier and cleanser to the body it is also an excellent stone for relieving symptoms of inflammation, joint pains and arthritis.
Perfect to carry in your pocket or place underneath your pillow at night.

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Chunk 1, Chunk 2, Chunk 3


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